C program for palindrome
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { char a[100], b[100]; printf("Enter the string to check if it is a palindrome\n"); gets(a); strcpy(b,a); strrev(b); if( strcmp(a,b) == 0 ) printf("Entered string is a palindrome.\n"); else printf("Entered string is not a palindrome.\n"); return 0; }
Download palindrome program.
Output of program:
Palindrome number in c
#include <stdio.h> main() { int n, reverse = 0, temp; printf("Enter a number to check if it is a palindrome or not\n"); scanf("%d",&n); temp = n; while( temp != 0 ) { reverse = reverse * 10; reverse = reverse + temp%10; temp = temp/10; } if ( n == reverse ) printf("%d is a palindrome number.\n", n); else printf("%d is not a palindrome number.\n", n); return 0; }
C program for palindrome without using string functions
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { char text[100]; int begin, middle, end, length = 0; gets(text); while ( text[length] != '\0' ) length++; end = length - 1; middle = length/2; for( begin = 0 ; begin < middle ; begin++ ) { if ( text[begin] != text[end] ) { printf("Not a palindrome.\n"); break; } end--; } if( begin == middle ) printf("Palindrome.\n"); return 0; }
C program check palindrome
#include <stdio.h> int is_palindrome(char*); void copy_string(char*, char*); void reverse_string(char*); int string_length(char*); int compare_string(char*, char*); int main() { char string[100]; int result; printf("Enter a string\n"); gets(string); result = is_palindrome(string); if ( result == 1 ) printf("\"%s\" is a palindrome string.\n", string); else printf("\"%s\" is not a palindrome string.\n", string); return 0; } int is_palindrome(char *string) { int check, length; char *reverse; length = string_length(string); reverse = (char*)malloc(length+1); copy_string(reverse, string); reverse_string(reverse); check = compare_string(string, reverse); free(reverse); if ( check == 0 ) return 1; else return 0; } int string_length(char *string) { int length = 0; while(*string) { length++; string++; } return length; } void copy_string(char *target, char *source) { while(*source) { *target = *source; source++; target++; } *target = '\0'; } void reverse_string(char *string) { int length, c; char *begin, *end, temp; length = string_length(string); begin = string; end = string; for ( c = 0 ; c < ( length - 1 ) ; c++ ) end++; for ( c = 0 ; c < length/2 ; c++ ) { temp = *end; *end = *begin; *begin = temp; begin++; end--; } } int compare_string(char *first, char *second) { while(*first==*second) { if ( *first == '\0' || *second == '\0' ) break; first++; second++; } if( *first == '\0' && *second == '\0' ) return 0; else return -1; }
Pointers are used in functions, you can develop your code without using pointers.
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